History of Chi Rho

Chi Rho Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated was founded to allow unaffiliated Omega men of Long Island to the opportunity to fellowship and collectively extend the fraternity message of service and commitment to our cardinal principles of Manhood , Scholarship , Perserverance and Uplift . On August 11, 1965, the Chapter Charter for CHI RHO Chapter was signed by the Supreme Council of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

The name of Christ-Chi Rho, in the Greek the letters that look like X and P, form a proper abbreviation of the name Christ-The Anointed One. They are actually the first two letters of the word Christ in Greek. The color is gold, usually etched in a rose colored red.

The chapter motto is:

C hallenge R ededication
H ope H appiness
I nitiative O ptimism

The officers of Chi Rho Chapter were officially installed on October 29, 1965 at the home of Bro. Harrison Smith, 58 Wright Street, North Babylon , New York . The National and District Officers that officiated were:

George Meares* Grand Basileus
James Avery Second District Representative
James Murray* District Keeper of Records and Seals
Rudy Powell* Past First Vice District Representative
Nathaniel Burrell* Past District Keeper of Records and Seals

The ten charter members of Chi Rho Chapter were:

Walter Bailey Charles Belfield* Aubrey Greene* Daniel Henderson* Clarence Johnson*
James Lewis* Frank Nichols* Harrison Smith* John Van Buren* Ercell Williams

*Deceased – Omega Chapter

The first officers of Chi Rho Chapter were:

Frank Nichols* Basileus
Harrison Smith* Vice Basileus
Dan Henderson* Keeper of Records and Seals
James Lewis* Keeper of Finance
Charles Belfield* Keeper of Peace
Clarence Johnson* Chaplain
Ercell Williams Editor to the Oracle
Walter Bailey Dean of Pledges

Since its inception, Chi Rho chapter has been involved in community activities which embody the fraternity's cardinal principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift.  The chapter's signature programs, the Purple and Gold Dance, Men Who Cook Affair and its Omega-by-the-Bay Fish Fry are designed to provide funding for mentoring and scholarships to college bound minority youth.  Through the years, the chapter has provided more than 15 scholarships and supported the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), the Tom Joyner Foundation, and others providing scholarship funding for minority college students.  The chapter has also sponsored other social action endeavors through support of the NAACP, voter campaign support, and recognition of other community achievers.

In May, 2005, the chapter's anniversary year, Chi Rho Development Corporation, a not for profit 501(c) 3 organization, was incorporated to further help the Long Island Community.



Meets: 2nd Friday of the month
Time: 7:00pm - 9pm
Venue: Durham AME Zion Church
1893 Hecksher Ave.
Bayshore, NY 11706

Website: http://www.chirhochapter.org

Chi Rho Chapter
PO Box 471
Wheatley heights, NY 11798

Basileus: Bro. Donnie Daal
email: chirhobasileus@oppf.org

KRS: Bro. Mike Williams
email: chirhokrs@oppf.org



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2nd District
Life Member
Credit Union
World Center

Bro. Kevin J. Woodhouse, Corridor 5 Rep
c/o Xi Phi Chapter
PO BOX 616
Hamilton Grange Station
New York, NY 10031
  eMail: nupsi75kew@yahoo.com